Night of spirits

Her reaction to her gift made him smile, he was glad that she liked the stallion and happy that her fear of horses and riding had dissipated with their lessons and training, the Spanish man was glad she had learnt well and taken to it with enthusiasm, his tail wagged slightly in his happiness that she liked her gift. He chuckled as she jumped up to give him a hug, hugging the small female back. Her embarrassed response only served to make him laugh more, her awkwardness amusing her but he understood if she did not want to touch people. As they neared the horse tugged back on the rope and snorted again.

"You approach him like this." With a quick move of his body, he had grabbed hold of the stallions reigns and pulled him closer to the pair, and untied the rope from the post. As soon as the Spaniard demonstrated that he would not be messed about the stallion calmed down considerably, losing some of his fiery attitude. He then handed the reigns to her to see how the horse would react to change in leadership. Meanwhile the man rubbed his sleep deprived face and rolled his shoulders, listening to the joints pop and crack with the movement.

He attempted a smile at the female as she asked him how he was, "I have been better Senorita, traveling alone did not agree with me this time." As she looked at him the man seemed to visibly wilt before her eyes, his tail and ears falling limp, her smile however was returned and he patted her on the shoulder in a friendly manner,

"I have been making sure all the animals are settling in into their new home, and my body chooses this time to develop insomnia." He looked at her closely, he could see she had changed since he had met her a while ago and he was surprised by how much in the short amount of time. He began to wonder if Analise would start to grow as fast as Saxif did when she hit this age, the thought worried him slightly and he realsied he wasn't ready for his daughter to grow up so soon.

"I am going to go down to the river and drink a little, try to de-stress." He raised the shoulder carrying the satchels and the bottles clinked together inside of it. "You are welcome to join me if you are wishing." It would be relatively easy to stable JagerMeister. He had no objection to the female joining in his small party. And honestly he thought it would be better for her to experience her first tastes of alcohol with someone she knew she could trust and would be safe with rather than some random male she came across which could equal disaster for the young woman in the way that Shiloh had suffered if the male turned out to be less than noble. The thought of it reminded him that Shiloh's rapist still hadn't been brought to the justice he deserved.

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