The waiting game

ugh, failsause post | +163


Ibycus takes her hand with his and bends slightly brushing his lips on the top of her hand in the customary greeting that the wolves from his homeland had adopted from the humans. "My pleasure to make your acquaintance, Signora Saxif Goldenfeather," he replied as he straightened up. "My name is Ibycus," he finished.

Ibycus' face brightened as his frown disappeared upon realization that the other was not mad for his spoiling her hunt. "I am pleased you are not angry with me for spoiling your hunt." He responded with relief to her waving off the situation with the deer.

The happiness that he was feeling at making a new friend instead of an enemy crept into his accented voice. "I am new to the area having only arrived recently from a several month journey across the oceans." He pauses a moment in his answer. "My destination is where ever my feet take me so my eyes can behold the wonders of a new land."


Ibycus "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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