[m]we watched him pour bad red wine into his head
ooc; lol i just realised that Gemma had been holding a bottle of whiskey XD

Succubus smile curled her lips upwards as her fingers speared through crisp white fur, heat curling through the downy hairs to warm her palms as the she hybrid moved ever closer until the front of her half undressed body touched his. Her hands twitched and curled inwards as his larger paws came to cover over them, encompassing them within his grasp and her eyes fluttered half closed. How long had it been since any one had touched her with gentleness. A small frown creased her mouth ever so slightly as she thought of Matteo then shook her head, clearing the thought of him, he didn't belong here, not now.

Her eyes sparkled like gems at his words, laughter swirling within the deep blue depths and her smile retuning, "Touché Tal, touché." Her own tongue flicked out to lick her lips and moisten the tip of her nose, her grin widened. There wasn't much more room between them to move closer but somehow they managed to do so and her hands journeyed down south teasingly slowly. She could sense within him the need and want rising like a tidal wave about to hit the coast. His teeth against her neck made her shiver faintly and she moaned softly, her over sized ears falling back against her head as sparks rushed through her body from sensitive nerves. Gemma could easily switch between dominance and submission, either role was fun to play and even funner to change sides half way through.

She chuckled huskily at his words, her hands sliding around to grip his hips and pull him in closer to her, "Well you're the first to see past the skin and fur baby." The hands running through her hair felt nice and she whimpered quietly. The woman took a few steps backwards, pulling him with her by the hands at his waist,

"Oh you're coming with me." She began to pull the white man towards the stairs she had come down. The bottle of whiskey she had brought with her lay forgotten on the floor.

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