The waiting game

| +226


"Yes, Signora, I have traveled the ocean blue," Ibycus replied to her query, a smile on his muzzle and a chuckle from his throat as her seeming joy and happiness began to infect him. "Although, the ocean and my stomach did not get along," a frown crept across his lips but did not stay for long and was replaced by his smile as he continued, "I am glad to be back on solid land."

His curiosity piqued, [/color]"I would love to set my eyes upon a sight that you deem amazing."[/color] he said with laughter in his voice and a wag in his tail. It brightened his day to have found someone so soon that wanted to be friends and show him some of the countryside. "Lead the way and my feet shall follow you."

Ibycus pondered for a bit while she lead the way through the trees. "I do not have any grand tales to tell of my travels. I spent most of the time shipboard as crew to pay for my passage." he said with some disappointment creeping in his voice at not having any grand tales to tell. "There was a boat bound for Barbados with a load of goats and sheep. They needed someone to care for them and I being a farmer in need of passage, it was the perfect marriage of opportunity."


Ibycus "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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