Know your place [ATTN AniWayans, tribe news!]

She cared little about the opinions of those who did not hail from the Great Tribe, so when one spoke up she ignored him. She ignored the physical retribution he received for his words. She ignored how another tried to help him. The Guardians were in their right to punish those who stepped out of line. Her short time within this smaller Tribe had not caused her to have the same sense of loyalty to Dawali as a Kalona as it had clearly caused in others — Dawali was her brother, and an elder to her, but that was as far as she would allow her respect to now go. Maska was right. He had to be. Achak Aatu was the Chief of AniWaya, and she was an AniWayan underneath of him.

It wasn't until Nayati spoke that she felt concern. Her legs carried her over to the group quickly, allowing Sunki to speak before she herself voice opinion. She trusted Maska — though he was radical in his ideas, she appreciated a tie to tradition — but she knew Nayati to be honest. Periwinkle eyes averted from the Guardians out of respect, fingers combing through decorated locks as she tried to form words. "Nayati means no disrespect, Galonv Adagatiya. I do not disagree with Councilman Maska, and I do not question Chief Aatu — my brother was wrong. He's shown poor judgement. But Sunki's question has merit, why was nothing done sooner? This should have been stopped long before." Perhaps her words were blasphemous to the members of the smaller Tribe, but she could not ignore how simply wrong it was. Until Chief Aatu said otherwise, she was sure her mind would remain the same.

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