Pregnancy and other questions
Hmmm. I think this would also depend very heavily on the Luperci? D: I've heard women claim to know they were pregnant, which is debatable imo, but there are earlier physical signs, too... it seems like they'd be noticeable for any Luperci, especially milk developments and being suparhungry 5 weeks in or thereabouts?

From the linky up above:

Quote:The mammary glands may begin to enlarge as early as the 35th day, but usually development is not obvious until 45 days.  Milk may be present as early as 7-9 days before delivery, but usually it is not produced until 1-2 days before delivery.

QUOTE (Diet stuff mostly irrelevant but possibly interesting?)
During the first 4 weeks, nutritional needs change little, but feeding small amounts of high protein supplements, such as eggs, lean muscle meats (not pork) or liver is a good practice.  During the last 5 weeks, your dog’s nutritional needs nearly double.  Feed increased amounts of food in several small meals each day.  Fresh water should always be available, since fluid needs are greatly increased.  We recommend feeding puppy food through the end of lactation (nursing).[/quote]

Not 100% on this, but glad you brought it up... I'm off to bed but I might dig a bit more research tomorrow if nobody else has got to it first? 8D

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