OOC: Sorry about the wait.

IC: Ayasha smirked at Saxif’s jest about stone throwing but became silent. Despite what people thought, she could be silent when the situation called for. Though she felt a little useless since she was learning on the fly. She had never done this before. But she supposed there was a time for everything. But she hoped that she wouldn’t need to use the knife since she had never used it. The closest thing she had done was using carving stones to carve. And that probably wouldn’t be very helpful in this.

She heard J’adore and saw the hoofprints. Well…they are elk prints. She looked at them closely. They were going in one way. So they would go the same way. The tracks lead that way. I suggest that I go ahead and see how far they are and how many and such. They can’t be too far ahead since these are pretty fresh. She waited for someone to say whether or not she was right. She was just learning after all. But she calmed herself down since she saw the look that Saxif gave her. But this was her first hunt and she was rather excited that she was able to do this.

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