Blood and Tears
This is post 4 for me Big Grin not long to go before you can use it for rank ^^ 2+

Grimace stretched across his face and his teeth ground together as he was carried from one room into the other, but it didn't hurt as much as it ought to have done before of the work that Mizu had already done on him with her herbs and leaves. The Austral man resigned himself to learning at least the basics of medical care from her in the future when he was recovered. He could barely feel the bed beneath him as his body began to go numb from the inside out. He tried to flex his fingers on his left hand and they twitched, responding extremely slowly than they normally would have done.

The man stared at the ceiling while Mizu and J'adore fussed around doing something, he couldn't bring himself to be bothered turning his head to see just what ti was they were doing so he was content to let his mind wander off into his thoughts. But at least he didn't hurt as much now. His eyes snapped to her as she appeared within his line of sight. He nodded with some effort to show he was paying attention to her words and struggled to try and sit up, managing to sit up about halfway with his back resting against the wall behind him, working his almost unusable hands to grip the glass carefully.

He sniffed it and recoiled, it smelt nasty, common sense told him not to drink stuff that smelled vile but the man knew that it would only help him, being a type of medicine. Grimacing again the man threw back the drink and swallowed it down in a few gulps just as Mizu told him to drink it slowly. The man pulled a face at the taste and her words but made sure he swallowed all the Echinacea pieces like she said.

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