[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 321 words

Bastion couldn't get enough. He just wanted to completely tear Janos open in order to get more of that precious liquid but he wouldn't. He needed the other alive and well. After all, if he killed the other then who would take care of him? He had no other prepared as a back up for such an occasion. But he really didn't want to. He didn't want to consider ever losing Janos. Right now his puppy was everything to him. The other was just so perfect. He really couldn't think to have anyone better. Especially since Janos could understand his every look and sound. He never had to explain himself around the other and he couldn't think of anyone else that he could do that with.

At the words of the other he created another light cut on the other's chest. And again he lapped up the blood. The movement of the other's body beneath his own combined with the blood that leaked out from the wounds had him wanting even more than he was getting. And from the feeling of it then it would seem that his puppy desired the same thing. At least he thought he felt something in his puppy's pants or maybe it could have only been his own desires making him think as much.

The small male sat up suddenly and climbed off the older canine to settle down beside him. His gaze glanced over the other's body, clearly looking for something. "Take off?" Even though it was phrased as a question it was really a demand. He wanted Janos to remove his pants and had even pointed towards the article of clothing to demonstrate as much. He wanted to see for himself if his puppy felt the same way as he did. He wanted so much more than he was getting. He wanted to be inside of his puppy and claim him all over again.


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