The waiting game

Word Count :: 300+

As Ibycus matched her stride and they had set out on their path Saxif felt instantly at ease. She liked this male he seemed pleasant and humble to the huntress. She listened intently to his short explanation of what he needed to do to travel on the waters. Curiosity built up instantly. How does it look inside the ships? Were their many people travelling? The animals, how do you keep animals in the ship? She bubbled with more questions her tail wagging softly. Their destination would arrive upon them quite quickly as she would listen to his answers. Her full attention on the interesting male she had not realized they had already arrived the travel shortened tremendously by their talk. His face had seemed to change putting her views ahead of them.

She smiled brightly as she ran ahead to the large object. They call this place Des Reveurs. The first time I came here it blew me away. She struggled to properly pronounce the foreign words as she emphasized the size of a large rusting cruise liner by raising her hands up at the bow. She wished she had known just what this had been used for she knew very little on the humans of the past. I haven’t been inside yet. Do you think we should venture in? Her golden eyes bright with excitement and the thirst for adventure. She started for the entry way of the once tourist destination. Untended the age of the ship was apparent but the hull seemed perfectly intact and had been curious to see within. She saved that for just a moment such as this, for someone to share with her wonder. She looked back at Ibycus. What do you think so far? A good spot isn’t it? She smiled again more with pride at that moment.

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