They Paved Paradise
He had made his way carefully to the second floor of the library using a concrete staircase behind a door marked "Emergency Exit." Some of the steps crumbled at the edges, but they held under his weight. He hoped to find more book on herbs, flowers, and other useful things for his personal library in the packlands. A yowl made him jump, dropping the book in his hands. His gaze jumped to where the yowl had come from. He made his way over there, his sinewy form dodging the minor blockades of tables and chairs.

Half way down the stairs was a feline hanging on for dear life. Tal's face furrowed into a frown as he tried to decided what to do for the feline. Did cats even speak the same language? He'd never come across one, but that didn't mean they didn't. He knelt, pulling off the tank top he was wearing. He laid on his belly, extending the shirt to the cat. "Don't jump, you might break the stair. Grab the shirt and I'll pull you up."

He sure would feel silly if the feline didn't speak the same language as him.

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