[M] The Last Supper - OPEN POSTING

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 628 words

Bastion cared little for those surrounding him at the table. The one whom he wanted to see wasn't there. No, he was off on assignment and didn't seem as if he would make it back. It meant another night that he would be sleeping alone. The small boy really hated having to sleep alone. Instead he focused his attention upon something else instead. He was looking for some particular meat that only one knew the answer to. It had been a special request really and one that seemed to have been fulfilled.

His tail wagged happily behind him as he was passed the bowl. Of course that was after Eris had tried some for herself. Small fingers picked up the meat from therein, glad that not all of the blood had been drained from the pieces. Eagerly he began to eat from the dish that he was handed and left the rest of the spoils that covered the table to whomever chose to partake of them. His eyes closed in delight as he let the meat slide down his throat without bothering to chew. He was in a state of bliss.

That bliss was quickly broken by an outburst at the head of the table. His lip twitched in irritation at the antics of the male that he had brought in. There was no way that he was going to let the slave make him look bad. There hadn't been the opportunity to break him yet but he certainly would delight in putting the slave in his place. He didn't like his euphoria being interrupted. Oh no, most definitely not.

When the knife was tossed onto the table he was quick to grab it. He slipped away from the table so that he could approach the slave. He didn't have the physical strength, let alone stature, to be able to hold the brute still as had been ordered but he certainly could silence the other. Actually he would take enjoyment in it. "Not for you." He spoke out in clipped words as was usual for him. His hand tightened on the hilt of the knife as he stared at the male slave. Bastion was glad that someone else had grabbed hold of the slave and held onto him since it allowed him to do as he wished. He walked around the duo so that he could kneel down in front of the slave.

He waited for the slave's mouth to open and grabbed his tongue in order to sever it. "You hungry you eat this." The words were accompanied by a cruel little smile. He dropped the severed muscle into the slave's mouth and used both of his hands, having to drop the knife to the ground to do so, in order to force Dari's jaws closed, having made certain that one hand covered the male's nose so that he would be forced to swallow since he couldn't breath.

But Bastion wasn't done there. Once he was fairly certain the other would have swallowed he released his hold on the slave's muzzle and picked up the knife again. "You no put back I take something else." And just what would it hurt for the man to lose? Well, his manhood obviously. Sure, it would seem logical to think that if you stole you lost a hand but the slave would need both of his hands for physical labor. Instead Bastion motioned with the knife to the lower, yet hidden, regions of the male's body. The positioning was off from the threat he was making but the look in the boy's eyes showed that he wasn't going to hesitate in castrating the other should he not be listened to and the food placed back on the table once more.


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