nothin' but forever
She narrowed her eyes at Gabriel, the words he said meant nothing to her, the thoughts in his head were biased and only excuses for what he couldn't face. She'd never driven Faolin away, they all had been part of the chaos that had caused her to run. Iskata and her mate had been taking a stroll along the beach and had run into Faolin and Gabriel. Faolin had been racing ahead of Gabriel and before Iskata knew what had happened her mate had went after the hybrid. Gabriel had done right to protect Faolin but in the process of the two females screaming for the boys to hault it had ended, Tainted Fears had lost his life and the lives of the three remaining had forever changed. She felt her ears pin back against her head as she snarled, "What do you care, you've always tried to keep us apart, can't you see what it's doing to her.." Her eyes were bare pinpricks as she glared at the male before her. She didn't care that he was Ahren's son or that he had killed her mate, atleast not at this moment, she wasn't going to walk out of Faolin's life, not now, not ever.

"Only twice did I leave the borders.. and only once had it been on purpose.." She spat. She had always sat at the borders waiting for Faolin, the two times she'd cross the lands had been for good reasons, the first had been when Haku had killed the innocent mother and child and she'd fallen upon the form of Faolin's mother, raped and beaten by Iskata's own nephew. The second had been on purpose, but she was glad she had, only then had she met Gabriel's and Faolin's daughter. She repeated herself again. "I need to see Faolin..." she knew she could speak to Gabriel about the things that had happened, but she knew better than to believe it would stop the bloodshed or even end in anything good. He hated everything she was, she hated everything he believed.

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