A Daunting Adventure

Word Count :: 000 Gunnar uses Attract! Big Grin

Gunnar had taken to staring at his murky reflection in the water by the time company had arrived. He whirled his head around at the voice, female and young, those stone eyes alert instantly. The girl he found standing there was pretty, very pretty, with tawny fur and bright blue eyes, her ears flopping on either side of her face and her highlighted hair matching the rest of her pelt perfectly. For a moment, he was in love all over again. It took him a second to realize what kind of tone she'd used on him, but when he did, he frowned, his 'love' for her vanishing.

That's rather rude, don't you think? He commented, standing up and turning to face her, his tail inches away from the water as he sat back down, not caring enough to approach. The name's Gunnar. Gunnar Donte LeStrange. He introduced, as his mother had taught him to. I was hunting. He tried to play it off as if he hadn't just lost his catch, and that he wasn't suddenly lost in his new home.

So instead of thinking about that, he decided to turn on the boyish charms. He stood, tail flicking behind him and a prince-like smile gracing his face. What about you, princess? Got a name? Sure, she sounded like a spoiled brat, but she was pretty and he could use the help back to the commons room. Asking for directions wasn't something his was willing to do... but coaxing a lady into taking a walk? That he could do.

Coding by the Mentors!

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