every characteristic of the egotistic

Word Count » 3+

ooc: Slight PP, that she is riding along with him. I hope that is alright! Confused <33

He needn't have called to her with words, for once seated in the saddle, the King was quick to see his maiden following suit. She moved with the elegance of a doe across the rocks - An elegance bred into her, decades of evolutionary perfection. Clover was as graceful as a dancer, so lithely built that it seemed she was a creature of the forest itself. No words were spoken to her steed, but it followed willingly, almost as if the horse could communicate to her through mind alone. It was a startling thought, quickly abandoned, for although Sirius was suspicious and superstitious, he was hardly a fool.

She mounted swiftly, sitting astride the giant white mare with ease. A flicker of annoyance passed through the Thistle King, for he had yet to perfect the art of Equestrian skills, and perhaps a part of him doubted that he ever would. The leather saddle he sat on was required, for without it and the bridle, the man had no manner of controlling the headstrong stallion.

Even now, the handsome ebony beast was pawing one silvery hoof at the ground, chomping his maw and tossing perfectly chiseled head. Feeling the animal's impatience flow through him, the Revlis man smiled a dazzling, starving smile at the blue-blooded girl, before wheeling Black around and giving the horse it's head. They burst into motion, with Sirius holding back just long enough to check that Clover was following, before settling into an easy canter. If he had let the stallion have his way, they would be pelting through the woods at a break-neck speed - It was much more pleasant to move at this swift, but enduring pace.

The pair headed West, sticking near to the coast. Cool, unruly winds rolled off of the restless ocean, carrying the scent of salt and freedom all across the land of the Thistle King. It was a beautiful, tragic land - Stark wilderness, with gnarly and twisted plants still struggling for survival in a land marked by its harshness. The open sky was endless above them.

It was not too long before they neared the Ruins. Pulling the blowing stallion up to a trot, Sirius turned his gaze again to the coyote girl. Even the short run had slightly changed him - There was a wildness to the man's eyes that echoed the land he had claimed, a sort of feral power held tightly trapped within canny olive. Slightly breathless, he smiled sharp teeth at the girl. "We approach my den, and the dens of those who are closest to me. This place is known as the Ruins. It is the heart of my Kingdom, and most ferociously protected," Before them, the hillocks sloped away to reveal the skeletal remains of the castle - A windblown corpse of construction that jutted up from the ground in crumbling pillars and torn chambers.

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