Retracing footprints
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The sable woman nodded in agreement. She did not think she'd ever met this earthen-hued canine before, either -- at least, not in this life. Then again, the girl had a lovely sort of youth to her, and Eris did not think she was old enough to have been fathered by Haku himself. This was a green soul, newly planted and newly sprouted. She did not think his shadow lurked here, but perhaps a piece of it, still.

The woman listened as the younger wolf introduced herself in turn, and spoke of an axe. Ah. Well, I'm sure you'll find him, the woman said, shifting her weight and resting one hand on her back. Do you know which pack he's from? she inquired, still willing to point the blue-eyed girl in the right direction. His blood deserved that, if she was indeed his blood. And if not -- there was nothing wrong with helping. Hell, it might even gain her a favor from Eclipse later.

But Soulstorm, you say? she mused. Where did you come by such a name? she asked, playing the part of the innocently interested party readily enough. Many were eager to speak of their heritage; she was no exception. My name comes from my father. I never knew him, she added, thinking her truth might prompt the girl into giving her own. Though Eris knew the world at large was far more trusting than Salsola's culture, wariness was not altogether absent from the creatures outside of her pack.

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