Brothers for the last time
okay just assume everything Leon says is in spanish, but i cba translating it XD lol Leon is angry

The man yelled in alarm as the stick thwacked him on the back of the head and he whipped around in time to see his brother disappearing behind a tree. He rubbed the back of his head sourly and bent down to retrieve the stick thrown at him and in the process dodging the second one thrown. "J'adore! you little shit!" He launched the stick in his hand at the tree his brother was hiding behind and it ricocheted off and away into the brush. The man swore loudly at the tree behind which his brother hid, picking up several more sticks from the ground and throwing them at the older but smaller Austral brother as well.

Venting out his anger and sad and upset feelings upon something real and solid instead of in his mind had a calming effect on him after a while and hurling abuse at the tree. It wasn't even about J'adore anymore just himself and his anger and the poor tree that happened to have germinated in the wrong place baring the brunt of his aggression and fury. Not long after that the man stopped his attack all together and instead ran his hands over his face, sighing deeply,

"Brother, you are a fool sometimes."

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