Emotional Repair

Word Count :: 337(+2) :: No worries, i understand XD

This time, Luna didn't feel bad for the girl when she parted their embrace. In fact, she let her go. By the way she stuttered, she believed that she wasn't very used to this kind of physical contact. Anything to lessen her uneasyness.

The medic really hoped that she could do something else. So she just listened. Sometimes, that was all what a person needed to release its pain. To be heard, to know that somebody else was there to know what had happened and to understand them. And that was exactly what the brunette was doing now. She listened to Shiloh in silence, since now it seemed like the worst had already passed. Whilst she did so, she took the made up handkerchief and placed it in one of the other's scarred hands, wearing an encouraging smile. She did this as a sign of empathy. She would try to be there for her.

But the next question verbalized by the grey-colored girl took her by surprise. So she knew Saxif as well. The emotion at hearing that name was visible in both her grin and the way the tip of her tail twitched. "Yes, I've met her. I saw her some days ago." She said. Saxif had been the first familiar face to encounter in this new tribe. She was actually excited about seeing her that for a moment she forgot that she was next to an emotionally fragile being that required her presence. Within a second or two she was back from her daydreaming, smiling sweetly at Shiloh. "By the way you mentioned her i suppose that you know Saxif, right?" Her gaze didn't linger on her new friend's face for too long since a new object caught her attention. It looked like a figurine, but she wasn't sure since the girl's fragile hands covered it. "What's that?" She asked, pointing at said object with the curiosity of a child, but keeping her words slow and serene for she didn't want to scare the girl.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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