Pups on long journeys.
I would have to assume that the tiacapan would travel with the father if he took it away from the mother -- which is to be expected. Of course, I would also think that the tiacapan would be immediately returned to Eterne once it's born. This is something I'm unfamiliar with, as there's no cases of a successful tiacapan return to Eterne on board so far and Tlantli is female, so she has no reason to undergo formal Ehecatl rites. It would probably be beneficial to ask Sie, the creator of Eterne, for more information on this.

Also, since I'm unsure of if you did or not, Eterne is by Request only and you do have to ask her if you can create a character from Eterne specifically -- if you already have, awesome, but if you haven't you should and I apologize if you already have and I'm telling you over again. I just like to be thorough.

EDIT: Shadowposted Sylvey, sorry.

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