¡M! - so we livin' life like a video.
Ahahahaha. -Finds this all too hilarious- >_> -Cough- XD

Barrett puffed at the joint hands-free. It was a useful skill in times like these, when his paws were otherwise engaged. His strokes moved lower—copping a feel of a firm buttock here and there, teasing the insides of her thighs with a thumb later—then higher, behind her back, around her sides to her stomach, and then dangerously close to her naughty bits. Her muzzle buried into the thick fur of his neck, and his eyes closed again as he greedily drank in the scent of his two favourite ladies: Mary Jane and Ghita Marino.

All of a sudden, he found their positions reversed. He blinked in surprise and laughed quietly. Even now, how she caught him off guard! He used one hand to flick the ash from the dwindling cigarette while she pulled the other to her mouth. What was she up to now? The yearling's ears tipped back as she nipped lightly at his finger. “Feisty, eh?” he purred with a quick wink. So that was what she wanted, huh? The chocolate male passed the tawny female the last of the joint to finish; he'd had his fix, and now he was hunkering for something else.

He once more nuzzled and licked along her neck and collarbone, albeit more feverishly than before. He leaned on one arm to prop himself upright while the other hand explored, first steadily caressing the insides of her legs, then daring to tease just above that sweet spot with some light rubbing. His tongue moved lower and flicked across her breasts. He straightened then, and began to plant more canine kisses along the side of her mouth not tied up with the joint. His fingers teased the lips of her happy spot, and with a nuzzle to her cheek, one slipped its way inside.

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