fill my sorrow with the words you've borrowed [p]

orite… my bad. But yar that’s fine. Also, IT’S WAY TO EARLY TO POST BUT I’M AT WORK AND THIS IS PREVENTING ME FROM FALLING ASLEEP SO … whatever. –dies- excuse the shit post.
Words: 353
Table by haley.

While Magnolia was not one for human clothing, the mohawked woman couldn’t help her desire to collect shiny, pretty things that humans used to prize. She was a jewelry fiend, and since her arrival at Salsola her way of dealing with the stress of moving here was searching for more and more necklaces with a frantic frequency. While she outgrew the black veil (which she actually lost during her travels to the thistle kingdom, but she would never admit that) her love for layering necklace after necklace on her neck grew. Today she wore six of them, all different colors and lengths. One pearl necklace went down to her bellybutton, and the necklace clinked with every step the woman took. The memory of her mother still clung to her skinny wrist, the green jewels on the bracelet shining the same way Lolita’s eyes used to. Magnolia never took the bracelet off despite the disappointing memories the jewels reminded her of.

As Magnolia trekked through the ruins she waited patiently for her co-Associate to arrive. She wondered if he would show up or not. He had no reason to ignore her, but the possibility still existed that he might not give a shit if she wanted to talk. They had never spoken in the Kingdom, and their words here had been meager at best. The dog was water-phobic, that was about all she knew about him. Magnolia wanted to know more.

Finally, her blonde acquaintance arrived, looking neither happy nor annoyed to be called here. Magnolia frowned, expecting a better response. They were both at the bottom of the barrel here and she figured the two of them would have something in common except for their kingdom residence. “You used to live in the kingdom, yes?” Magnolia asked, a friendly smile gracing her face. “Why did you leave?” Magnolia had her own reasons for leaving that wretched place, but now that she was gone she wished she could return. She figured her interrogation wouldn’t be taken the wrong way, she hoped he would realize it was a friendly gesture and the silver almost-yearling was just curious.

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