nothing ever happens by itself
WC: 505. Idiom of the week: "all the rage".

She looked a little relieved when Claudius sat up, but he wasn’t sure why. Did she think he was dead? He hoped not, since then he would feel really bad, since he didn’t want to go around flinging himself onto others’ porches and playing dead. That just sounded cruel. She said that it was fine that he was intruding, and that folks can get confused sometimes. Claudius lowered his ears when he said that, hoping she didn’t think he was particularly confused. He felt very bad and very dumb for having done this. This was obviously not the right way to go about making friends; though, that certainly had not been his intent.

She stood up and held out a hand. Claudius pondered whether he should take it and decided that he would, since he needed all the help he could get. He pushed himself off his elbows and onto his bum and then reached out with his own arm and clasped her hand with his own. He put the palm of his other hand on the ground and pushed himself to his feet, with the other wolf’s assistance. She offered him a space in her house to rest, to which Claudius glanced around nervously, wondering if he should accept. It would seem rude if he turned it down, but he didn’t think Liliana was home anyway. Her hut down the road looked a little quiet (now that he could see where it was) and so he decided to accept. He nodded quietly and followed the girl into her home.

He looked around as she invited him in, wondering why there was so much dust. It wasn’t that there was a lot, just that it was there, which meant she had not been home in a while. Where had she gone? Claudius wanted to ask, but held his tongue, knowing it was not his place. He watched as she strode across the threshold, plucked a piece of paper from the table, and then flung it into her chimney. Claudius stared, wide-eyed, for he did not have any of these things. Compared to other AniWayans, he lived a very rugged and simplistic lifestyle without things such as tables or fireplaces. It seemed as though fancy living quarters were all the rage in AniWaya and Claudius had not yet caught on to the trend.

The girl turned around and then introduced herself as the Kunikoti, Luna Sabino, of the pack. Claudius nodded quietly and then moved to introduce himself.

“I-I’m C-c-c-c-claudius,” he began. “C…laudius Aston. I-I… I a-a-ha-am a Gatlvska. I d-dye th-i-ings diff-e-e-ere-ent co-o-lours,” he explained. He wasn’t sure if she would know what he did, and he was a little worried he had stuttered so much that it sounded like he ‘died things,’ as if he killed them. He certainly did not want to give her the wrong impression, since he was far too meek for anything of the sort and he just wanted to be perfectly clear to compensate for how badly he stuttered.

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