You have to learn to face it all
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lol<3 Claudius is just chronically worried, isn't he? XD

The pale craftsman appeared surprise at the mention of the other craftsmen of the tribe, and Dawali decided to follow up on this, casually pointing to himself as his hands moved in patterns that matched his lips. "And, I for once, am not very good with dyes, but I do weave. We could exchange our experiences and learn how to make brilliantly colored dress and blankets." Hardly anything was more impressive than a vividly dressed war-horse, and a scared enemy was a dead enemy. Dawali smiled.

They moved outside, and while it was a relief to sit, at first, Dawali was soon taken aback with what Claudius said next. The shock of it was probably painted on his face, as well. It was clear to him, then, that the loss of his family had branded Claudius further than he had thought. His face grew grave. "No, Claudius, you have not offended anyone." With a firm motion, he padded the ground next to him, expecting Claudius to sit. He suspected the pale male would obey any kind of silly order he was given, or so it seemed. The boy lacked a spine. "You should not apologize for things you have not done, things which are not your fault. I do not know where you got the idea that you had disrespected me or the tribe, but I assure you, you have not." He wondered, had he been this way when Tayui was still here? It was hard to say; Claudius had always been around his mother. It was time to grow up, however. "Why do I make you nervous, Claudius?" he asked, his voice warm, but demanding. He only asked to be respected by the Aston litter, and that they accept his presence. He never wanted to be feared. He sought the pale-coated male's eyes as he spoke. Perhaps he needed convincing that the world did not only care about his mistakes.


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