Finally, I've arrived.

WC:000+ - Hello! Big Grin Welcome to Souls! Skye will probably post sooner or later but in the meantime, I'll keep you entertained. x3 Thanks for choosing D'Arte as your new pack and good luck!
Sky is in her Optime form wearing a black tank top, blue jeans and black luperci boots, by the way.

Sky hated being bothered on her 'day off'. Lately she'd been taking one day a week off of her usual tasks in favor of checking on her herbs and working on the framework of her new pen for Casper. It wasn't really resting or relaxing, but it was good on her nerves. She could take breaks to go walking, hunting or even just sit on her deck and relax with a good book. Today she'd decided to go for a walk after finishing the basic frame of her pen at last. That walk turned into a patrol around the borders very quickly, especially when she picked up a stranger's scent... and eventually her voice.

The brown wolfdog appeared on the edge of the location moments after the gray-brown female had called out. Those sapphire eyes stared down at the wolf from uphill, then a smile crossed her face, her eyes cold and haunted and posture ready for 'battle' should this one prove dangerous.

These lands are marked by Cercatori D'Arte. Explain your business here or get gone. Not as rude as it sounded. Sky was paranoid, careful of new comers and bitter towards strangers. Mix the two together and you had a rather cold greeting. After giving the girl a moment to respond, the optime-formed woman with the short golden hair and dozens of piercings trotted closer. The name's Sky. I'm D'Arte's leading Medic... its Gauritore. She introduced, giving another pause to let the girl introduce herself and explain her being there.

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