goodnight trouble
The answer to her question was simple in his mind, even if he understood that there was nothing simple about it at all. Why would anyone go beyond what was possible, living or dead, just to return to someone and share their secrets? She deserved to know, there was no doubt of it in his mind, but why did she deserve to know? Hollow had always intended to die with his secrets, that he and he alone would know the many horrors of his life and the havoc that he caused for others. Like all things though, his plan had changed. Even after she asked the question he was silent, eyes falling at the soft touch of her hand, staring down at it as it moved. Things were not so simple in his life, they never had been, but he was now free of the plague that had taken him over.

There was no nervous glimmer in his eyes, only the smooth sort of clam that had always remained. Even in death there was an intensity their. He searched her face a moment, watching her settled expression, before his eyes simply feel right in to hers. "Because I love you." It was stated so simply, there was no question that it was true. Silence came again, taking a moment to let the words sink in, perhaps more for himself than for Poe. He was making right what he screwed up in life though, if he had a chance to do it again, she would have heard the words from his mouth while he was still living. "And you deserve to know."


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