alone i break

hard qq hard

It had been Rem. Rem was the one who had come to him, kicking and screaming at him. He had been at his boat, wondering if he would see Anann again. But after their rendezvous two weeks ago during the storm, he figured that she had begun to go to extreme lengths to not be caught near him, the Rem variable included. So when the powerful stallion burst into him, whining like a dread steed and almost screaming at him in equine low speech, was when the Russo grew concerned. But maybe Rem was just not looking, or was upset at him for something else he had done. The man had looked wearily at the horse as he gripped the bowl of tar. "Vhat, Rem, Vhat?" he asked, almost bored as he eyed the stallion with a brush in hand. "Vhat?" The stallion grew angry, he could tell, but it was not until the horse knocked the bowl out of his hands and head butted him backward into the sand did he realize how serious the horse was.

He rose to his feet, dusting off his body. "Vhat's is wrong, Rem?" The horse was clearly aggitated with him. But it was almost as if there was horrible concern too. The man furrowed his brows, skin pulling tight on both scars and eyebrow ring. He put a heavy hand on the stallion's face, who did not fidget at the gentle touch. "Anann?" asked the Russo with dread. At the horse's confirmation, he forgot his boat and grabbed the horse's neck, mounting him in a hurry. "Her cabin, Rem. Please. Hurry." The stallion seemed to mind briefly the rudeness of the Russian man but the goal was the same so he seemed to not mind. He would probably pay him back later. Or take it for vengeance for knocking Anatoliy to the ground.

At the cabin, the man found nothing. All of the things were there. Except for Anann. But it was a mess. Anatoliy gingerly walked the cabin and saw her blade's handle. But the blade was shattered, broken and the man carefully picked up the damaged hilt, before placing it on the table, next to a small pouch. It caught his eye, so out of place it was. And it was probably taken out of her things. But what was it? He opened it and peered inside, crying out in pain. It was the necklace he had found for her. Of course she would not wear it, not with him around. She, however, still kept it, though it was hidden. Anatoliy knew he had to find her and soon.

Rem was not going to be of any use to him now. He patted the stallion and promised to find the woman. If the horse would follow or not, he had no clue. But the man did remove his jeans, though kept the belt with the knife; he would cinch it tighter. "Please can you take zhis vhere zhat man vill not find it?" he asked the stallion, handing him the rapidly folded pants. Rem grudgingly took it and walked into the distance. He would follow soon, Anatoliy knew. But now, he shifted his bones into his least favorite form. The bulky half-ling form was a little too much for him, but it was the fastest way to go. And if he found Keese, his heavy jaws would find a place in his throat.

The scent was thin, and washing away, but the man found it. It was the two of that, which was obvious. Why would she leave alone without a word to the Russian man? Even through what they had been through? But he followed the scent diligently, ignoring how tired he was by the end of his run. The further he went, the clearly the scent was. And then it was stronger than ever. The man paused, slipping out of his belt as he shifted his body back to two legs, not scenting the man nearby. Though his stench was there but not present in force. With the knife back on his hips and his hand carefully hovering over it, Anatoliy crept around the area, wondering where his Anann was, where her scent came from. Was it safe to call out? "Anann..? Anann? Are you here? Vhere are you?" he said gently, not wanting to get attention of a certain bastard man.

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