Warmth of the heart
Sky is displeased. Time to haul out the radioactive robots, yo.

The knocking was answered by a muffled squeak from another room, probably the livingroom right from the doorway. Some shuffling and a growl later, Sky was at the door, grumbling sorely about something and looking down at another. Her eyes met with a batch of various plants, flowers and herbs mostly. She blinked, letting a smile of happy surprise light her face just barely a moment... then she saw who was holding them and frowned disapprovingly, crossing her arms and leaning on her doorframe.

I suppose you're here to say sorry. She paused, raising an eyebrow rather sharply and lowering her eyelids. Again. She didn't sound impressed, as if begrudgingly greeting an annoying neighbor or co-worker... maybe a friendly aquaintance at best. She paused, as if to let him speak, but a moment later she stood up again, her arms moving to the edge of the door and the wall inside, as if to slam it shut.

You can forget it, darlin'. I'm still mad at you. She didn't shut the door, though. Instead, she stood at the ready, waiting for a response or denial, a protest maybe. Her ears were bent back, tail flicking unevenly behind her and claws tapping the wall impatiently. Clearly the previous attempts hadn't been enough to warm her over.

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