And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

I'm doing alright :3 you?

Word Count → 284

Now that the dots had been connected, Savina was not sure what to expect from this meeting. While she and Soran had gotten along well in the past, so much had changed. Her thoughts could not help but flash to Naniko and that only made her mistrust flare. This woman was not the D'Angelo's real mother, but she knew that the Aatte woman had cared for Crimson Dreams' once leader dearly. But Naniko was no longer a part of Crimson Dreams or Savina's life at all. Once they had been best friends, sisters almost, but the white wolf had poisoned the life out of their relationship for good and all. If that specter ever appeared upon her borders, the Italian would drive her out immediately. It did not bother her if her members would go to see her, but the traitor would not step a paw upon these lands again.

So that left the question, why was the dark woman here? To see Mati was the only reason that Savina could guess, seeing as all else who could call Soran family were no longer here. Still, the other ebony wolf greeted her kindly and warmly and the Consul did her best to keep her suspicions at bay. "It is nice to see you as well. I am doing better now, this winter was...well, it was quite rough. Things are better now though." The emotional wounds were finally healing, just as the physical ones had, those pink scars that now stood out starkly against her onyx pelt. "How are you? What brings you back here to Crimson Dreams?" Did she know yet that Naniko was not here, and was no longer welcome here either?

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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