New Beginning... True Belonging.
((Sigh...rambling short post, sorry. Welcome to CdA! I promise my next post will be better!))

He thought he'd check the fences by the stables, to maybe get the horses used to him. He still wanted to obtain his own horse. He just hadn't found the time yet to find who to trade with to get one. A soft voice, and the male poked his head into the stable, his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. His bi-colored eyes adjusted to the dimmer light of the stable to find a female cradling a tiny kitten. "Uh...hello."

Tal moved into the stable, his eyes falling to the tiny kitten. Questioning eyes lifted to the new face of the female. "I'm Tal...You must be new. Is there some way I could help you?" He was rambling. Finding someone else out here had startled him, especially to find someone holding a tiny kitten. He wanted to be helpful. He enjoyed being helpful, he liked helping others. He was mentally rambling to himself.

He brought his focus back on the kitten. It seemed too small, as if it shouldn't be parted from it's mother just yet. He wondered for a moment if the stranger had taken it from it's mother. The cruelty of the other wolves he'd known in his past hadn't quite been pushed from his mind by the kindness of the wolves in Souls.

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