The young male lifted his head at the cold voice, his eyebrows lifting. If he'd had arms, he'd cross them too. He settled for sitting on his haunches, yawning widely. He was in need of a good ass kicking. He grinned at the female, managing to look insolent and bored at the same time. "I know I crossed a border. What you gonna do about it, little miss?" He was seven months old, and already believed the world revolved around him. "Who are you, anyways, and what pack are you from?"

She was a white wolf. White wolves were never evil. Only black wolves were evil. And Liam? He was somewhere inbetween. Not good, not evil. He just was. And what he was was a pain in the ass right now. He grinned insolently at her, his ears up, his golden eyes meeting her blue ones.

Teenagers. They always believed they were immortal.

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