{M} - if looks could kill, she'd be in jail.
bahahaha. yes, she is so hardcore like that. xD

Again, she bowed her head humbly at his comments of beauty. Certainly she knew she must be fairly attractive, as much of her family was, but the young girl often felt that her looks were overshadowed by much of her family. Her gaze flew away for a moment, finding her mottled stallion's form to reassure herself of his presence. Then, turning back, she took his hand softly in her own; his large, chocolate hand was much more rough than her own, and her curious fingers lingered there for a moment. With a chuckle as her eyes found his, she beamed a natural, wide grin. Oh, but Barry... you should see the flowers that it makes! This particular strand produced buds of such a unique color, it was hard for her to describe. The buds were absolutely vibrant, brighter than any other plant she'd owned; searing orange tendrils covered it, but bright spots of purple lay just beneath. It had been... simply beautiful.

Snapping back to her senses as recovered from a near daydream, the girl laughed again, waving a hand in a similar dismissive gesture. Sage River Lykoi, dashing Dreamer. You can call me Sage, if you find it easier, she purred airily, bewitching grin returning to her lips as she held the joint out to him in offering. Well, would you like to try it, then? she asked, head tilting to watch him curiously, one large ear twitching. Oh! she exclaimed, digging into her purse once again, Here! From the bag she retrieved an old, beaten, and nearly empty lighter; it was metal, and may have once been bright green in color, but the paint had chipped so badly you could hardly tell. Nevertheless, she presented it proudly and held it out for him to use, as well.

Smoking on the hilltops has always been a favorite of mine, she commented in a light breath, golden eyes staring out at the landscape in admiration. Oh, how she longed for places like this in Inferni. Nothing really compared, in her mind. It was a sad thought, so she pushed it a way in favor of the current, happy company.

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