In Search Of...

Others are welcome to join in anytime. Smile

Temo Wolfe

Temo looks up at the cream colored female, her enthusiasm starting to infect him. Looking back down at his hands, he delicately folded up and put away between the pages of a book, his fragment of a map. His thoughts were empty for the moment while he put the book into his bag with some other items he carried around with him.

He looked around at the various houses that are around them and ponders over what he had been doing for the last few days. Mostly just going around and looking through various buildings for whatever looked salvageable. His eyes returned to the cream colored female standing before him waiting patiently for him to respond. "You know, I have not been to the beach in ages. Plus I could use a short break from these..." his voice trails off as his hand swept around him a bit indicating the various buildings that were around them.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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