Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

Thanks, she tries XD. Also, you need to explains weres to her, Adelaida secretly lives under a rock.

As the male sat Adelaida offered him a smile, in obvious relief. She too lowered herself into a sitting position, waiting for the male to state his purpose, if he had one at all. Which by his words he didn’t really, but he spoke kindly and politely and Adelaida decided that she wouldn’t mind speaking with him for a while. "Oh.. Why thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well." And it was, although her words came out a little surprised at his greeting. And then the words begun to sink into her head, and she looked at him quizzically. Something he had said didn’t make sense, something was off. "Excuse me, but a real wolf? You mean not a coyote?" If that was what the other had meant, well Adelaida could certainly understand his appreciation at not being in the company of one of those creatures, yet certainly he would have been able to tell if she had been one or not before he approached, and still the words were odd for that meaning as well.


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