Breathe Me

This is so late it's silly. I apologise for the wait. >_>

I guess I'll bleed in silence

Lubomir had never been a war monger. It rather disgusted him, because it reeked of mindless violence for no rational gain. In fact, he would only condone behaviour that had been thought through, discussed, agreed upon. In a sense, he was a hypocrite, because he would stand by rationality and all that only to fall into the blind rage of an animal when his life was at stake. Lubomir would never talk about his instinct for self-preservation. He would modestly suggest diplomacy and stand back. It was almost hilarious to see him struggle with this dark side, with the feral need for blood and the hunger that violence sated. If he could, he would track down the black wolf and apologise, he would even apologise to... No. He wouldn't apologise to the Inferni scum who had nearly killed him. The memory of that still made his stomach clench.

He could sense no aggression, no need for harm. In fact, the male seemed laid back, calm, and perhaps Lubomir had disturbed him. No, that wouldn't be right. The chocolate and cream one would not feign politeness for the sake of it. Lubomir had learned that quickly; here, wolves were not like in the Old Country. Old conflicts ran deep. 'You're not at all trespassing. In fact, I may be the one infringing on your time. I am Lubomir, of Shadowed Sun, the pack whose borders you are close to.' He sat down cautiously. 'May I deem to ask your name?' He tried not to sound too interested. It had been a while since he'd done this sort of polite conversation. And he certainly wasn't looking to offend anyone.


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