[M] The Last Supper - OPEN POSTING

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 553 words

He had made his threat known, giving everyone present a preview of just what he was capable of. Of how easily he could mutilate another even able to make a threat of former deformities. So yes, he wasn't nearly as innocent as his appearance seemed to say he was. He hadn't even hesitated in the slightest. But then again he felt he should have the honor of disfiguring since it had been his capture. Of course he could consider breaking the other further. But sometimes the small boy got overzealous and the results weren't too pleasant. Still the slave didn't have much of a mind in his head so he should fall into line easily enough. At least that was hoped.

When the male was taken away Bastion moved away as well. He licked the blade to clean off what bit of blood was there before he placed it back down in front of Sirius, returning the blade to the owner. He then went back to his seat and sat down so that he could pick at the piece of meat in the bowl and place them into his mouth to savor them. He continued to suck on the piece of meat in his mouth even as Eris spoke. His dinner had been interrupted by the disturbance so of course he was going to continue to eat. After all he was only partaking of a small bowl that had been prepared just for him.

Even though he continued to consume his meager portion he did so in silence and paid attention to what was being said. He figured that nothing really be said to him as he consumed the meal that he had mostly missed out on because he had to wait for it and then the business with the slave had called him away from it. But then the news of the pups had him rising again. He picked the bowl up in his hands and approached Eris with it. Even though it was a delicacy to him and he really didn't want to give it up he still presented it to Eris. He didn't speak because he didn't feel as if words needed to be spoken. He knew that the female knew exactly what the bowl contained and just what he was giving up for him to give it away. Still, she had little ones growing in her belly so she and, as an added effect, those in her belly will extend their lives. What better gift to give the unborn than to extend their lives even before they began? It was most likely something that everyone else gathered would be unable to understand given that it was a silent exchange. That simply didn't matter just so long as Eris was able to understand the gesture. And just to make certain she realized the full reason that he was giving up something so precious to him he reached out the hand that hadn't held the bowl to try to place it against Eris's belly as he tilted his head back to look up at her face in order to make certain she understood the silent gesture. She wasn't Janos, whom could read him easily based on his slight noises and gestures, but he thought her to be close in his puppy's abilities when it came to understanding exactly meant even if he should not say it.


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