New Beginning... True Belonging.

OOC - (: Nice post. As for this one, eh.

Mya had waited for him to return as he rummaged through the little room. She stroked the kitten as it softly purred. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of finding someone who knew his way around. Her eyes trailed his body and movements as he talked of the water. Of course, water was important to the milk, and Mya could have purred in delight herself at an invitation to someone's home within the pack.

Surprising herself, she wasn't bothered by the fact that he was an older male wolf. Her mother's death had brought misfortune and definitely lack of trust in the gender. On her days of traveling she tried not to make any conversation with male loners at all. She'd met a few elder wolves that she'd come to respect, but even then they usually were female. However, in the completion at her mother's goal in life she'd seemed to gain courage and what not. No one here seemed a threat. She felt so at home, that living in fear of every wolf or luperci that passed by sounded just silly.

Ignoring the slight disappointment in his lack of being a pastore, she smiled brightly. "That sounds great," she replied, "By the way, I'm the new pastore. It's great to find someone that can help me. I'm sure the kitten will appreciate it, too." She looked down, another fabulous idea popping into her head. The pockets on her jeans were very large. They could carry tons of objects if needed, or maybe just carry a kitten. Carefully she dropped the kit inside the pocket, hoping it would be alright with it. After no complaining from the kitten she stepped forward, closer to Tal. "Shall we go?" She asked, still smiling brightly.

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