Brothers for the last time
fuck, another fail post D: sorry, mega sorry

He stared at his brother angrily, disliking being laughed at for a thing that genuinely upset him, J'adore did not know why he was upset and it was cruel and childish of him to mock Leon for it. Hi white eyes narrowed. He snorted at his brother's request to spar and almost turned away but the look on J'adore's face irritated him that much the he decided to stay. At least this way he could knock that face off of him. He was the younger brother but he was definately the more mature of the pair,

"Okay then, I will spar you." And under his breath he muttered, even though you care nothing for why I am troubled The giant sighed and began to stretch his muscles with a series of complicated and elegant moves he had picked up in his life.

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