Word Count → :: lolol she can fight him if she wants. He'll drag her to Enkiel either way! :>

The woman woke, reached for him, and then threw herself onto the ground. Ezekiel remained still. He watched. She was sick; she was sick and she was on Inferni’s borders. If he had been his sister, he would have abandoned her. Yet for all of his own troubles, his worries vanished with the desire to heal. Alaine was right about him, but that did not mean he did not respect life. His eyes followed her movements and watched as she struggled to rise.

He was there, grasping her, turning her back towards his land. “You must come with me,” he said slowly, recognizing the language was foreign and sounded familiar. Ibsen, still clinging to his shoulder, cawed. The Aquila nodded and sent the bird off. Nearby, Viggo snorted and pranced uneasily. “I can take you to a healer. You’ll die if you go out there,” he added, thinking of the cruelty Sirius’ eyes had promised and the uncertainty of their eastern neighbors. Inferni would neither enslave nor kill her; and she was so very frail, he realized, finally feeling her full weight against his own firm body.

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