And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

You can count all the posts from this thread and any from the moment of your titling, but none before, sorry ^^; Glad it's getting better and hopefully it will be all gone and in the past soon! No drama for me thankfully, but trying to find a full-time/a second part-time job and failing hardcore. Damn crappy job-market Tongue

Word Count → 625

The Italian woman had seen no reason to beat around the bush with what had occurred with Naniko. There was no way to soften such a situation and it was better if it was put out forthright and simply. For her own good Savina needed to say it quickly else she would be consumed with the anger and grief that her washed over her that day. As she had spelled out the events for Soran flashes of that confrontation had filled her mind's eye and made her body tense. She remembered holding Cambria's shivering body to her chest, wondering if she was going to make it through the night. The way her once-friend had spoken had cut her down to the quick and if Anu had not been there to hold her back, she knew she would have attacked the pale wolf. The one she had once done anything to protect had betrayed her so deeply that there was nothing that could bring their friendship back. It was as dead as the humans who had once lived in the manor—nothing but dust.

Savina had not been able to predict how Soran would react to this revelation but almost immediately she could feel the disgust and fury that radiated from the elder woman. It was a relief that the other understood. That she could share in the anger that had filled the Marino to the brim that day. Everyone in Crimson Dreams had trusted her, and she had brought poison into their home and nearly cost them a young life. It would have been horrible for anyone to commit such a crime, but for their alpha? It was unspeakable. When Soran spoke with that righteous fury in her voice the sable shoulders of the Dreamer finally relaxed some. Maybe if the Aatte did speak to Naniko she could work some sense into her, though Savina felt it was a lost cause. Even if she managed to beat the odds and win that battle though, it would not change things for Savina. She only nodded in response to Soran's words, her eyes full of understanding and gratitude.

But then the mood of their conversation softened as it turned to the younger generation that they both cared so much for. The Marino had no doubt that Soran loved Mati deeply, and hopefully one day her daughter-in-law would come to accept her grandmother and see that not all her blood relatives were the same. She may not have known Soran well, but she could tell the woman had a kind and loving heart. She would doubtless die before causing her family any pain. The Consul could not help but chuckle softly. "Much has happened since you were last here. I actually have brought two litters into this world, and even my youngest are now over a year old." Time flew by so quickly for her now, undoubtedly the elder wolfess felt the same way. "So it does, I hadn't thought of that," she said with a genuine smile. Cambria could finally have a grandmother, if she chose to accept the Aatte femme.

"You are welcome Soran. I know we may not know each other extremely well, but I do feel I can trust you. This was your home before and I am glad that it can be again." In regards to not mentioning Naniko the Consul nodded her head. "I thank you for that. And I am certain Mati will open up eventually. She can be stubborn, but she's a kind-hearted girl. Surely she will see that you have pure intentions." Maybe Savina could even plant the seeds for a relationship with Cambi, explain to her daughter that her mate's grandmother was not like her mother and father.

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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