hi ho, hi ho
I really don't mind short posts at all, they don't make me think less of you! It moves the story along quicker that way too. BTW, I'm going to be drawing a scene from this thread :-D

Zalen stood there stiff as a board as the Luperci wolf-dog came from a distance off. He saw another pup where she was coming from and realized this must be the mother. He knew that mothers could be quite fierce when it came to their young and he lowered his ears anxiously. He was about to answer her question when he felt a soft wetness against one of his forepaws. Looking down he saw the small fuzz-ball, this time not cowering but sniffing him curiously, stubby little tail wagging. Zalen, just as curious about the pup as it was of him, lowered his head and sniffed back at the pup. They both touched noses, wet to wet, and the young one giggled. Zalen’s heart melted into a puddle.

He looked up to meet the pink eyes of the mother and smiled softly, wagging his tail,Sorry, I accidently tripped over your little one here. I don’t mean any harm. Compared to her he was quite small in his lupus form and knew that if she didn’t like his presence she could easily pick him up and throw him wrestling style down the hillside. But he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. In truth he was hoping that she would introduce the puppies to him, since he had never really interacted with any before. When he ran with the pack outside of Nova Scotia, there were no pups and Zalen had never had siblings. The idea of puppies was something that always seemed beyond him, so to have two live breathing ones right by him was something special.

Zalen then took notice of all of their appearances. They all obviously had wolf in then, the pups more so than her mother, but they all were also touched by the domesticated side of canine. This was also a rare sight for Zalen who had only ever encountered another dog-wolf hybrid in the pack, but it had been a subtle difference because the mutt was part Malamute, which was so similar to a wolf already. But these three… were different. The ears drooped on the mother, and she had no tail, which threw him off just a bit. The little one at his feet was similar to her mother but the farther off pup looked more wolf then dog. Their coloring was remarkable and Zalen could not help but stare.

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