don't tell me I'm no wolf
After searching around two other territories, Kyleah was extremely tired. The soft grass beneath her felt good to her aching paws. After the two other territory encounters, she had little hope for finding a pack. Especially in this quiet desolite area. The she saw a distant figure. She had travled in the hot sun, so for a while she thought it was just a trick her eyes were playing on her. But, slowly as she approched the figure, she realized it was no trick. It was another animal. Almost immediantly, she felt a new hope arise in her. Maybe she still had a chance. She quietly and slowly still walked towards it. The animal obviously had a higher rank, so kyleah dared not look it in the eyes.
As soon as she was within 10 feet of it, she noticed it was uneasy on its feet. "A luperci?" She thought. But then again, it was dark out.

(gotta go. I'll be on tomarrow)

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