Terminally out of [p]hase

WC: 1148 *bounces*

The tall ebony female was still trying to shift the awkwardness from their conversation, she really did feel that she had made a mistake by hugging the silver furred male. He was obviously not one that liked to be touched bu those he did not know, she should have realised that from the way he had not accepted her hand when she had offered it him to shake. She should have known better, but she could not help herself, she had just been filled with so much emotion suddenly, it had had to find an outlet, and that had been hugging Noah. At least he had not chased her from the lands, biting and snapping at her, it was a possibility after all, she was a stranger on these lands, he did not know her or anything of her really. He only knew that Soran had been good friends with his mother and grandmother... and that she had known his father, but the less said about that the better. The memories of the almost knife fight sparked in the ebony lady's mind, her former mate's son had been so drunk and angry, she did not know why, but he had turned on her quite spectacularly, threatening her with his knife, rambling on about Summer missing her. That had been the only good thing about the meeting, something in his tone had been sincere, it was like her pale angel had been haunting him, forcing him to pass on messages to others, she would like to think that she had genuinely said that she missed her, well at least Lucifer had believed it enough to say it, or perhaps he was just trying to hurt the dark female. Perhaps he thought that if he spiralled her into such a miserable state of longing and missing his mother then she would forget all about Deuce, that his jealousy could finally be curbed. But she didn't understand, the pale lady had chosen him, she had had pups with him. There was nothing Soran could have done to change her mind, no matter how she missed the bi-coloured eyed fae.

She nodded back at Noah as he nodded as she spoke, he seemed to at least have some understanding of her now, he seemed to have accepted that she knew a lot more about his family than perhaps even he did. Surely she must, afterall he had not known who his grandmother was, then again Lucifer had not been the talkative kind, perhaps it had just never come up in conversation, if one didn't ask, they never seemed to get much information from the dark male, well at least in her experiences of him. As for Deuce, she probably would have felt that it was Lucifer's place to tell the pups about his side of the family, she had plenty of confusing ties herself, having discovered that the blind male in Jaded Shadows was in fact her half brother, it had opened a huge amount of extra family to her, she would have found it complex enough to explain her own family tree to her silver son, let alone Lucifer's as well.

The lady's heart sank as the male explained, in his own very brief way, that Conri had still been Alpha when he had left, she knew more than him then, she had known that her red son had been chased from the lands for raping one of the members, Naniko. She had known what he had done, but alas, Noah did not know anymore than she did, he'd just disappeared off, it was not his fault she supposed, he must have felt that there was nothing left for him in the lands, Khaden and Dhalia had left as well, as had his own dark mother, perhaps he had gone looking for her, or perhaps he had inherited the trait that the ebony lady herself had, when she felt that she had nothing left for her in a place she lived, she would just wander off, the wanderlust hitting her hard, taking her feet away from wherever it was she was done with. Once Soran had decided that she was finished with a place, the longing to go on another adventure, find whatever she could, meet new people, became unbearable she had to just up and go, eventually she always found herself back here though... The pull of these familiar lands was just too strong for her. She gave a sigh, perhaps, she hoped, he would be the same, that all her children would be the same, the ones that had been born here and the ones that had been born in Dayna's pack. She wanted them all to come here and be with her.
"Ah... I see... he's not the alpha anymore, there was some... unpleasantness bewteen himself and some of the other pack members, he must be gone then." The ebony fae replied to him, letting out a little sorrowful sigh as she did so, her tail and ears drooping slightly. It was sad news for her, her trail had gone cold. Soran could not give up hope though, surely there would be someone who knew where he was, she would just have to search a little harder, he had to be somewhere, wolves did not simply just disappear into nothingness.

The male gestured for her to follow him as he explained that the pakc's merger would be a long story, she nodded, hitching her satchel onto her shoulder properly, making way to follow him into the lands. This was an honour, the lady felt, not only was he inviting her onto the packlands, he suggested by his turn of phrase that he might be about to say more to her than a single sentence. This certainly was an honour.
"Thank you for inviting me onto the lands, are there any rules I should follow? Other than the obvious, no starting fights, no being rude type of rules? I don't want to offend anyone if I am to be a guest." The lady asked, her voice honest, she did not want to upset anyone if she was going to be a guest, she would be, as always, on her best behaviour if she was going to be invited onto the lands. She smiled at the male, stepping over the border line, taking a deep breath of the pack's scent, adding the area to her mental map, she knew these lands inside and out, well she had done in the past, she was determined to make it so again.
"I am rather honoured that you are inviting me in, I will say. I take it we're looking for somewhere more comfortable to sit whilst you tell me what has happened to these packs?" The lady asked, nodding at him to lead the way, ready to follow him into the packlands.

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