Learning your ABCs [p]

WC: 1069 He is indeedy, very charming, be careful or Soran might adopt him, try and put him in her satchel and keep him as a pet XD Slight powerplay here with her giving him the chalk and slate, hope that that's ok, if not I'm happy to change it Smile

The ebony fae smiled as she explained, even more so when his ears very slightly drooped as he noted that there were more question marks than ticks. It was nice for someone to understand her, know that it must hurt not to know where her family were, she did not want him to be sad for her, not at all, it was not his fault that they had scattered themselves to the four winds, it was more her fault, although she could not say for certain that had she been here that they would have stayed even then. Wanderlust was someting that seemed to run in her genes, it seemed to have been passed on to her children and grandchildren, they had chosen to follow their feet, just as the ebony lady had herself, she had wandered far and wide across these lands, the old lands and beyond, she had just walked, finding adventure and interesting things along the way admittedly, she had fallen in love, had more pups, almost been killed and seen wolves perform acts that were more cruel than anything that would be seen in hell; but she had also seen them act with more grace and compassion than heaven could even dream of. It had been filled with ups and downs and ultimately she always ended up back here, all she could do was hope that her family would be the same as her, the pull of their birthplace being too strong to ignore. It was a slim chance, but that was all she could hope for. The ebony lady rested a long fingered hand upon Zalen's equally dark shoulder.
"Do not be sad for me, wandering runs in my family, I am a traveller myself, it just seems that my family have inherited that from me. They'll come back here eventually I hope, after all I always do." The fae said, giving the male's shoulder a gentle squeeze, following it up with a warm smile. She really did not want him to be sad for her. She was being hopeful, it was hard, but it was the truth that her feet always found their way back here, perhaps then her bloodline would have wandering feet with a built in navigation for this place as well. Hope was all that she really had now, that and blind luck, she just had to hope that believing enough in them coming home would make it happen, how she longed to hold her red son in her arms again, she would have to hit him and give him a lecture first of course. And her twins, her dark boy and her red daughter, she missed them both, despite Dhalia being less than stable at times, she wanted to hold them close to her, breathing their scents in deeply, just to commit everything about them to memory.

Soran was overjoyed to see the excitement that lit up the male's face as he traced his name. The curiosity made the ebony lady very pleased, he reminded her of her own black son, Khaden looked so much like her, bearing her size, her fur colour and her emerald eyes, not inheriting the cold icy blue eyes of his father, she missed him as well, she had never managed to teach Khaden to read and write, that was her own fault, she had left when he had been so small, it was true that she was in no fit state to be a mother at the time, her mind to fragile, her heart in far too many pieces, but she was sad that she had missed out on all those little things, hopefully he would return and she would get the chance to be a proper mother to him. She had managed to be a much better mother to her youngest pups though, she had loved teaching them things like this, looking into their little faces, so full of excitement and interest, the first thing she had taught them after the alphabet was how to spell their own names. It had been a very popular teaching method with them, it seemed to be working here as well. The ebony male who looked so much like her own dark son said that he would like to learn how to read and write, the fae rested her hand on the slate and turned to the male and smiled.
"Well I would be more than happy to teach you Zalen, as you have asked so nicely." The lady replied. She picked the chalk up again, holding it how she had to write, raising her hand to show Zalen how she was holding it.
"This is how you hold something to write, why don't you try to copy your name, while I just look for something that will help us." The lady said, pressing the chalk into the male's hand and putting the slate upon his knee, she thought that it would be the best way to start him off, copying her own writing, that way he could get used to holding the chalk and writing with it. It also gave her a few moments to find what she was looking for.

Soran had had a sudden brain wave, she opened her leather satchel and began rummaging through it, the lady kept almost everything in it, her flute, books, the slate, chalk, pencils and paper, Mati's paintbrushes, needles and threads, beads, even a few interesting stones she had found on her travels; she really needed a pack with a room or cave to call her own, just so she didn't have to carry it all around with her again. She soon found what she was looking for though, she had found them recently in an abandoned house, children's first word books, one of the alphabet and two short stories, the wording very basic. They were flimsy things, made of paper and thin card, but they were incredibly useful, she had been intending to give them to her great grandchildren, but she felt Zalen needed them more, besides she was unsure if she would even be allowed to see her young offspring again. She pulled them from her satchel and smiled at the male.
"Here we are, these will help you learn to read, they're very basic, but there's no point trying to run before you can walk." The lady said cheerfully, resting them on her knee.

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