(M) - shoot a peace slug, drop a love bomb

The hybrid was an impressive beast with a sizeable and sturdy build that likely persisted even in Natural form, although any brawniness was clearly exacerbated by the Halfling's stocky physique; perhaps in another time or place, Barry would have feared the stranger's approach. But for everything, he was good at reading body language and energy, and he understood that Ezra was not a threat. The husky mix was friendly—as most who partook in this drug were.

He also seemed impressed by the snail. Helix withdrew quickly into the confines of his shell at Duke's gentle prodding, but as the bicoloured male settled down nearby, he poked his eyestalks back out. The mocha yearling chuckled to himself as he took another drag. “The more the merrier, right?” he said, passing it off as soon as Ezra could take it. “And oh yeah, I'm Barrett—Barry, whatever,” he replied with another amicable flop of his tail.

The boy wondered vaguely what the “Kingdom” was; the best he could do was match the other man's scent to the neighbouring pack. He never gave his rank, even when meeting other Dreamers—and he rarely announced his pack to the other denizens of Nova Scotia. Hell, he usually didn't even bother to tack on his surname. What was he going to say? Oh yes, kind chap, I am Barrett Poer de Aika XIII, Patrician of Crimson Dreams. 'Cause that didn't sound pretentious. Strangely, something that would make him cringe coming out of his own mouth seemed simply polite coming from Ezra—the nuances of spoken formalities eluded him sometimes.

“Good to get out once in awhile, eh?” Perhaps subconsciously, he'd picked up on the father-to-be's discontent... but mostly he was just making conversation.

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