(M) - shoot a peace slug, drop a love bomb

The man that soon introduced himself as Barry proved to be an agreeable albeit quirky character. Ezra had never met another fellow that had a pet that kept him close by in a jar. Alae and Niro had their birds, Ezra and Ever had their horses, but both of those animals served a purpose. This… illuminating animal was for company? He didn’t really get the purpose of it. Ezra watched Helix, dumbfounded, as it inched across the grass leaving behind a trail of slime. When the animal stopped moving for a moment, the Duke looked up at his companion, took the joint, and gave him a huge grin in thanks.

“Thanks a lot man, you have no idea how much I needed this,” Ezra said cryptically, exhaling the smoke with a sigh. “My home has been a bit crazy these last few days,” Ezra wasn’t the kind to unload every miniscule detail of his life onto strangers, but he was clearly frazzled and stressed… and Barry did ask. “Girl troubles, you know how it is,” He said with a smirk as he exhaled once more.

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