let it go

Out of character text here.

Whatever thoughts plagued the Stormbringer male were not immediately brought to light, and at that Razekiel only smiled and nodded. There would be hours, days, weeks for the former Dahlian to warm up to him — after all, the coyote was a Lykoi with countless strong ties to Inferni, the clan that Dahlia de Mai had actively warred with not once, but twice. The Seiryu had kept this in mind during the formation of Ichika no Ho-en, believing himself to be playing a bit with fire yet wickedly entertained by the lack of burn in reciprocation.

"A lot on your mind, you say?" The coyote tilted his head horizontally, nearly resting ear on shoulder as he grinned nonchalantly through rose glasses and marijuana smoke alike. "Your shoulders are sagging like a thousand birds are standin' and shittin' on them."

Ah, now what had he meant by that? ...Oh, right, like Saul's thoughts were so heavy they were weighing his shoulders — yeah, that's what he meant. I think. What were we talking about?

He puffed gingerly from the joint a few times, then breathed the smoke through a toothy grin. "I'd be real cool with chilling here more often, man, to be right and true with you. In the prehistoric days — y'know, before you groovy dudes moved up here — I used to crash in his pad for weeks and weeks, man. Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, suns— ah, man, I'm getting all washy just thinking about it!" He wiped at a tear that may or may not have actually existed. "You find peace here, yeah? Some pause from the pondering?"

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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