alone i break

Lips of swollen and raw flesh pulled back in a snarl, though it was more of a grimace for the pain that action caused her as she heard the rattle of the door. Her growl growing in its intensity as the feeling of fear rose in the primal beast. The light poured into the shack as the door swung open. The sudden increase in light was blinding and left the dark amber wolf blinking as eyes struggled to adjust. The thick, lifted hackles of her secui form making her hulking mass seem even larger than it already was. The chain around her neck pulling tight has she backed as deep into the corner as she might, and away from the silhouetted figure in the doorway.

It was the burn of rope that marked her flesh in the areas that once been her optime wrists and ankles. It wasn’t until her teeth had tasted the flesh of the bastard’s face that he had thought to bind her muzzle as well. While the most visible, it was the least of the damage that had been done. The worst had yet to show any visible sign and yet the woman was sure she felt the subtle changed in her body. It was only her scent that made the truth evident thus far. Still it wasn’t enough that she had taken a form the silver male had disgusted and now carried his spawn. No, he still came from time to time to have his fun.

Once those dark brown eyes had adjusted to the increased light in her little world and she finally saw the figure that stood in the doorway her heart lurched to a stop. A look of pure horror filled her eyes and instantly the once proud female shrunk in the wake of the man before her. Lip covered fangs that were moments ago bared and she sank to the floor. Hackles deflated and her tail tucked tightly against her. The hot burn of shame stung at her eyes and choked the breath in her throat as she turned her head away from him. She could not face him, not like this. For she knew what grew within her and for them that left no future.

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