More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; It's fine hun and omg! your table is amazing; 316 words

Symera gave a glare in her brother's direction as she realized what he had done but it also served to have her working feverishly to get that skull that simply refused to fall. It was his siblings that spotted the approach of the clan member before she did. Actually she didn't notice until a bladed weapon landed where her paw had been just moments before. Her brothers fled the scene with whispers amongst themselves as to how Symera was dead now and coming up with an excuse to give their dad that wouldn't end up getting them in trouble.

"Cowards!" The sentiment was yelled towards the fleeing forms of her siblings before she placed all four paws on the ground so that she could turn and face the adult that had scared of her brothers. Symera turned and faced the woman without any sort of fear at all. Instead her countenance read more of boldness and determination. "You need to be careful. You could hurt someone like that." She made to correct the other even though Symera had been the one to be in the wrong to begin with.

But just like the dare that she had been issued Symera wasn't one to back down. But then again she didn't believe all of the stories that she was told either. At least not to the point that she thought she would be harmed. After all the clan was said to have a hatred of wolves and well, she wasn't a wolf. In her mind that marked her safe from all repercussions. Since she didn't contain even a single drop of wolf blood she imagined that she would face no sort of tribulations for her actions. And well, being the only girl among a family of boys she had to learn to grow a backbone and be able to stand up for herself against her larger brothers.

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