Brothers for the last time

OOC here!

J'adore hated his brother sometimes, merely because Leon thought too much, though it was hypocritical for Jadore to even comtemplate his brother's flaws when they shared quite a few. Unknown to him, J'adore was just as bad when he was burdened. Thinking back on it, had he been this bad when Shiloh had been a common sight within his house? He had been stressed then, too many women in his house, his mate working to hard when she should be resting. Especially after what the white demon had done to her. Who could have though that they were cut fro the same cloth.

'Thatta boy' J'adore said softly, glee filling his voice. A mature glee however, he would not let himself get too excited, mistakes were made from excitment.

J'adore reached for his knifes, but recoiled. There was only too, and it may cause injuries. Moving towards the tree he picked up the two wooden sticks. Passing one to Leon he spoke, 'The aim is to get me on the ground and vice versa. Not hitting of any part of the head and above the knees and below the waist'. He grinned up to Leon, moving backwards to space himself. Stancing himself, he moved forward at an impressive speed, aiming for his brothers chest. If he couldwind him it would be eaiser to strike at his legs and knock him down.

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