I'm Just a Shadow
ooc: yusss splish splash! xD sorry for the wait. This month has been hell to me. +5

As a shaman, the woman did have quite the charming personality. She often was able to make others put down their guard without much of an issue. She liked to think it was her energy that people sensed and they were able to relax because she was relaxed. The only downfall about her energy being strong enough to sense by ones who didn't even mean to sense it was that it was easy to tell when something was wrong with her. It was almost like wearing her emotions on her sleeve, no matter how much her face and heart tried to deny the feelings. It was a good thing that she wasn't feeling too off today, for she was still able to hide it behind a smile for now. She continued to smile at the male before he had spoken to her again, and he splashed her a little bit with his feet. He spoke of how his pack life before did not end well and he had been a loner for some time now. The woman rose to her feet and started to take her clothing off, starting with her shirt. She lifted it over her head and threw it to the dry land. After that she would slip the skirt from her hips and toss that with the shirt. She fixed her necklace to where the triangle was centered on her chest and then she brushed her fur down on her stomach and shoulders.

"I'm sorry to hear that the pack before could not accommodate you." she spoke to him, respecting that he did not want to get into details even though she was quite curious as to what did happen. Was it his fault that he wasn't there anymore or was it the pack's fault? Panda knew that she had left her old pack with Venom willingly, for the weather in Florida was not for him and her. She was a northern wolf at heart, and it wasn't hard for her to leave her family behind. She did not favor them, and Venom was really the only person she needed in her life. She decided this a long time ago. He was her best friend, her soul mate, her lover. She wasn't ready to admit that last part. They would have been mates by now if they were really lovers. They were everything that lovers were, and they did admit love to each other every so often but they were not official " Thank you. And I will help you with those burs. I know they are a pain in the ass sometimes. " she spoke to the male, smile still clear on her maw and she then would wade into the water with the male. The water was cold, but inviting (the woman always did like the cold over warm for some reason) and she shivered for a second before getting over it and plunging into the water some more. She did not have soap with her not, so she could not really bathe, but she guessed this would just be a nice swim as well as helping the male become clean.

She moved towards the man and reached out to a bur that she could see on his fur, and she picked it out, and threw it into the deeper parts of the water. Panda giggled and spoke: "One down, about a thousand more ta' go." what an exaggerator.


Image © Vaughan@Flickr

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